About Us

Let’s Talk About NFGN

New Face Global Network (NFGN) is a revolutionary company that is changing the way we view health, wellness, and financial freedom. Founded in 2014 by Joe Marcelino, NFGN began as a hair extension and natural hair products company. But in September of 2019, the company shifted its focus to naturopathic products and services, and Book A Pro 360, making it more profitable and easier to facilitate money circulation among its members.

What sets NFGN apart is its commitment to introducing innovative and life-changing products and services. NFGN is the sole developer of the “2 Down By Infinity” compensation structure and the “Book A Pro 360” booking system. These products are the first of their kind in the world and are designed to help people live healthier lives while also facilitating financial growth and stability.

NFGN’s mission goes beyond just providing health and wellness products. The company is dedicated to helping communities that are drowning in debt and living in poverty. Through their business builder workshops, NFGN teaches the basics of business and money circulation to help individuals gain financial freedom. And their unique “2 Down By Infinity” compensation structure and multi-point payment grid allows people anywhere in the world to connect and do business in the network.

NFGN’s products and services are available on an international scale, making it easy for anyone to access their life-changing products and services. With NFGN, people can achieve better health, financial freedom, and a happier life. Join the revolution and experience the NFGN difference today!

Historical Contributions That Help The Community 

One of NFGN’s key initiatives has been the development and introduction of the “Book A Pro 360” program and software in November of 2014. This innovative platform connects customers with businesses, and interlinks businesses within the NFGN community. Whether you are a holistic care practitioner, a cosmetologist, barber, mechanic, chef, physical trainer, business coach, or entrepreneur, Book A Pro 360 has got you covered by connecting businesses and customers from all around the world.

At NFGN, we understand that businesses everywhere are looking for customers to do business with, and customers are looking for businesses to spend their money with. That’s why we developed a software that can fill this need and pay our members for their referrals. We believe that money circulation is essential for improving the financial health of a community, and we are dedicated to doing our part to help support this.

With our platform, we can create a network of support and collaboration among our members, leading to a powerful flow of money circulation and wealth building within the various NFGN member communities. In 2015, we made a significant contribution to the direct sales industry with the introduction of the “2 Down By Infinity” compensation plan. This innovative system allows members to earn referral commissions if they choose, and it has been making a positive impact on people’s lives both nationally and internationally every day.

In fact, NFGN is not just a developer of this compensation plan and structure, but we are the first company to ever do this. The “2 Down By Infinity” compensation plan is a multipoint payment system that puts its focus on helping people. We are proud to be leading the way in this innovative new approach to wealth building and financial health, and we look forward to continuing to make a positive impact in the lives of people all around the world.

Become A Part Of Growing Movement of Health & Wellness

As a company, we at NFGN believe that being headquartered in New Orleans has allowed us to understand the culture of the city and the state, which has in turn helped us to better understand and cater to the needs of our customers. Our commitment to quality products, amazing service and a higher standard of customer service has set us apart from our competitors, and has helped us to become a leading provider of health and wellness services.

As we continue to grow and expand, we are proud to have locations in San Juan, Puerto Rico and other parts of the Caribbean, making us a truly global network. Our international ties and partnerships with businesses in various countries around the world allow us to offer the best products and services for promoting a healthy lifestyle to customers everywhere.

We are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of our customers and members. Our innovative programs and software, such as the “Book A Pro 360” platform and the “2 Down By Infinity” compensation plan, are designed to help people connect and grow their businesses, while also earning income and building wealth. We believe in the power of community and collaboration, and we are committed to providing the resources and support that our members need to succeed.

As the first New Orleans based company of this type, we are proud to be leading the way in the health and wellness industry. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and quality products to our customers, and we are confident that our commitment to excellence will continue to drive our success and growth in the years to come.